Bayer Schering Pharma continued their research and experiments in some kind of cancers treatment, beside liver cancer and kidney cancer. That research included sorafenib use efficacy in some lung cancer cases, breast cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer and leukemia. Advanced research done after sorafenib considered effective to blockade growth and spread of cancer cell in liver cancer and kidney cancer. Bayer Schering Pharma invested US$ 400 million to help researchers for this program. This thing said by Dr Dimitris Voliotis, Vice President of Global Clinical Development Bayer Healthcare Montville, United States, in symposium in Taipei, Taiwan on Sunday September 27, 2009. “Sorafenib by clinical proven able to blockade growth and spread of cancer cell in liver cancer and kidney cancer. So still any hope, sorafenib effectively to pressure roven able to pressure growth and spread another kind cancer cell cases. That we are doing at this time to make observation with another 200 researchers from all over the world,” says Voliotis. Research done with used sorefenib tablet production of Bayer with trade mark Nexavar, the only one sorafenib tablet that accepted to use in many countries. Hoped the result from this research can be accepted in 2010. “One of expectations to know is phase III sorafenib efficacy research for nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC)," says Voliotis. Director of Barcelona Clinic Lever Cancer Group Professor Jordi Bruix clarified that liver cancer commonly treatment already in advanced stadium, in that time operation to remove cancer cell or transplantation can not to do anymore. One of cause is syndrom of this disease not specific. In some cases, patient no feel anything of liver cancer till in advanced stadium. "Sorafenib proven to blockade growth and spread of cancer cell so patient life expectation increased and sorefenib safe for long term consumption. Even in Spain sorafenib can get free because paid by government," says Bruix.